Parents often have similar questions so I hope this list will be helpful to you. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.
I treat late talkers who are age 18 months to 36 months.
I treat children of all ages who have issues with their clarity of speech.
Wait times vary, but I can normally schedule the first session with your child within four weeks of our first phone call.
Click here to book a time for our first phone call.
I work entirely from my own play therapy room. This has been specially customised, with toys chosen and located to optimise children’s development. It will also give you ideas for improving your own setting to help with your child’s progress.
Some children can feel intimidated before visiting a new setting. But children soon start to look forward to special time out in my play therapy room.
My therapy sessions will only be at my premises and during the day. If you can’t take time out during office hours, a carer or grandparent is very welcome to attend with your child.
My play therapy room address:
Supersonic House
23 Adelaide Rd
Leamington Spa
CV31 3PD
My therapy hours:
Tuesday: 09.00–15.00
Wednesday: 09.00–15.00
Thursday: 09.00–15.00
Friday: 09.00–12.00
I encourage a parent or carer to be present so I can demonstrate and explain my techniques and you’ll know how to build these strategies into your own daily routine. Combining speech sessions with at-home work is essential for faster progress.
This could be your partner, a grandparent or other carer, as long as it is someone who the child feels comfortable with, and someone who will be able to share my techniques with others at home.
A maximum of two parents or carers are welcome to attend, if preferred.
This depends on a number of factors, including your child’s needs. However, most parents report seeing significant improvements after a few weeks – often after the first session.
Regular attendance at my sessions yields stronger results. The fastest improvements always happen when at-home input is provided, i.e. when parents and carers continue supporting their child’s development with the games and exercises I’ve provided. As long as that support remains in place at home, parents should continue to see improvements.
Most of my clients see improvements in their child’s speech and language – as well as in their behaviour and engagement levels – after only a few sessions.
However, nearly all children will require support on an ongoing basis to make further progress.
I strongly encourage the family to continue my work at home with their child, as this has a huge impact on progress between sessions. Combining speech sessions with at-home work is essential for faster progress.
I will always be honest and refer you to another specialist if I am not the ideal therapist for your child. I have a strong network of trusted professionals who can help with just about any speech-related issue.
Please see my Fees page for details.
A delay in talking is sometimes related to autism. If I recognise those signs, I will discuss this with you.
Whatever the cause, I will help your child to make improvements in the essential engagement skills.
My goal will be for your child to become more attentive and interactive, sharing events, laughing with you and playing with toys.
I will always be honest, and I will be happy to signpost you to another specialist if I know they will be better suited to your child. I have a strong network of trusted professionals who can help with just about any speech-related issue.